Simple and nothing superfluousWeather is a simple, beautiful mobile application that will help you keep up to date with the weather and precipitation. The Weather app can tell you what time of day there will be clear skies and a light breeze, perfect for jogging or cycling 5 days ahead.Convenience, minimalist design, accuracy of weather and precipitation are all about the WeatherWhy the Weather?1. Minimalistic design that gives you all the necessary weather information.2. It is possible to view the history of added cities and the ability to add up to 10 cities to favorites.3. Intuitive icons.4. Create your own set of preferred temperature measurements (°C /° F), wind speeds (km/s, m/s, mph) and pressure (mm Hg, mbar, Pa, in Hg).5. The dark theme and adaptive weather widget are available in the free version.6. Currently, the following 7 languages are supported: German, French, Spanish, English, Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian. And this list will be constantly updated.All data for the Weather app is provided by OpenWeather. It collects and processes meteorological data from tens of thousands of weather stations, ground-based radars and satellites to provide users with accurate and actionable weather data for any location around the world.